Welcome to the Juricert Registration Process

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There are six steps in the Juricert Registration Process that you will complete on subsequent pages. In the first four steps, we will ask you to select a registration category, agree to the terms and conditions and provide certain identification information.

In step five, your Juricert Identification Number will be displayed. This will be your only chance to record this number. You will need your identification number to apply for any partner service. If you are an accountant, you will need your identification number to access the accountant's section of a lawyer's annual Trust Report. This number uniquely identifies you online and you should safeguard it against improper use by others.


In step six, you will be asked to print your registration form. Click on the Print Icon at the top of the page or the print button below the form to print the Registration Form. Once you complete the form, email the form to support@juricert.ca.